Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Afro textured hair growth question?

Ok ive been growing my hair since the begining of 2006- I didnt take good care of it..acually i took very bad care of it.. but it seemed to acually grow because when i got it braided at the beginging of 2007 and i took the braids out i had atleast 6 1/2 inches of hair growth. then my hair stopped growing because throughout january till this may i still dindt take good care of it, i just wore it in braids alot

But just at the the begining of this month i was educated in how to take care of my hair. i take good care of it now(As of June st 2007), i moisuturize it daily and take vitamins to help it grow

also fast growing hair is in my genes

So bascially is...How much should my hair grow by september?

Afro textured hair growth question?

It should grow about another 2-3 inches.

Everybody that I've talked to says this product called Boundless Tresses works and adds an extra 1/2" of growth to your hair every month.

You can purchase it here ---%26gt;

You can also look at this website that has tons of tips for growing your hair. I have very tightly-curled hair, and it worked for me though the main focus of the website is afro-textured hair.

Afro textured hair growth question?

It should grow about seven to eight inches but if you have good treatments maybe another three inches

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