Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Does anyone know anyone in London who is good at doing single plaits with extensions on european hai

I have had it done twice now, everyone says it really suits me, but the 1st time I had it done the person pulled a lot of my hair out and used bands on the ends which i didn't like, and the 2nd time, the person was much gentler but the plaits were all different lengths and she left really long ends which were sealed with hot water, I would like them plaited to the ends and then burnt or glued at the end.

Also, which type of synthetic hair? I was advised to use expressioon ultra braid kanekalon, but it got really frizzy with lots of pokies quickly, despite wrapping it at night.

Does anyone know anyone in London who is good at doing single plaits with extensions on european hair?

thats a good question, i know nothing bout hair extensions so this isnt a q i can answer soz.

Does anyone know anyone in London who is good at doing single plaits with extensions on european hair?

yeah =]

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