Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?

I've recently taken down my micro braids last Wednsday and I lost a lot of hair and now it's very dry. I have course hair that had a fading perm in it before I got it braided. What can I use to restore moisture and how long should I wait before I relax it again?

Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?

The first thing I would suggest is that you see a beautician. They will be able to give you the best expertise on how to treat your hair. But I can give you some advice from experience. It sounds like your braids were too tight, which caused the hair loss. Or either you simply left them in too long. Your goal should be to get your hair and scalp healthy. Since your hair strands are already weakened, you should skip a relaxer for a few weeks. I just recently found this out. But a relaxer works by breaking down the strands of your hair. So basically it閳ユ獨 an acid that eats away at the coils and kinks of your hair, until it閳ユ獨 straight. So if you relax your hair now, you stand a good chance of breaking it completely off because it閳ユ獨 so weak.

To get your hair back healthy try this:

To put moisture back into your hair, use a moisturizing shampoo, along with a deep conditioner. Pantene for women of color and Optimum Care have great moisturizing shampoos. They clean the hair without stripping if of all its natural oils.

I use Queen Helene Cholesterol deep conditioner after I shampoo. It not only moisturizes the hair, but it detangles it and protects it from heat damage as well. I also found that olive oil and carrot oil deep conditioners work great too. I would suggest air drying your hair, but if you do want to blow dry it. Protect it first by applying a light coating of hair oil. Olive, coconut, and jasmine oils work really well, because they閳ユ獧e not too greasy.

And for your scalp, you should moisturize it with oils, not pomades or Vaseline. By keeping the scalp moisturized, it will promote hair growth. The oils work great because they moisturize, without clogging the pores of the scalp. And a scalp massage can stimulate hair growth as well.

Also, be sure to wear either a satin or silk scarf over your hair at night. It prevents movement and friction from breaking and tangling the strands of your hair. And always use a wide tooth comb. Rat tails and fine tooth combs are simply not made for our hair.

I personally do all the above and my hair is very healthy and long. But as I said earlier your best bet is to go to a beautician.

Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?

Go to your hairdresser girl!!!!

Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?

i had the same problem only with my hair straightening, you would have to go back to the hairdressers so that they can treat your hair. they put special lotion into your head and keep it in your head for half an hour or longer, whenever you want, the longer the better results. it works miracles. your hair becomes soft and smooth. although it'll last 4 months but your hair wouldnt be as dry.

Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?


Hair Emergency! Beauticians or women with experience only.?

Normally when we have our hair down you can loose about 100 strands a day. When your hair is in microbraids the hair is interlocked with your own hair therefore it does not fall free when brushing.......... so when you take your microbraids down it does appear that you have lost a lot of hair when in fact it's the hair collected that you would have lost daily. So don't freak out. I tell my clients either way, whenever you take your braids down always do a deep conditioning treatment, a must. And because you upset your scalp when taking your braids down it would be wise to wait a couple of days before getting your relaxer. Make sure your stylist uses a scalp base because it may be irritated in some areas.......... and please don't do your relaxer yourself, it causes overlapping, which causes even more hair damage. And if you need a perm before you get microbraids this puts more tension at the site where the new groth stops and the relaxed hair begins on each hair strand. I would recommend getting your relaxer, getting your braids the next week, and whenever you take them down get your ends trimmed and get a deep conditioner and you can get it braided again........ If you need a relaxer when you take them down, wait a week and start over...... I do it all the time. My braider always comments on how my hair just keeps growing from the last time. Good Luck

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