Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair help please!!!!!!?

i have pretty wavy hair (some people call it curly... its like i had braids in...) its dark blonde to light brown... and it goes to my lower back...anyways, i need a quick and easy yet cute hairstyle... at most i have 30 please? pictures would help! thank you!

Hair help please!!!!!!?

If you want to curl your hair, after you shower you should let it air dry then put strong hold gel in it as you wait for your curling iron to heat up (the curling iron should be about 1/2".) Divide your hair into three sections and tie them with a pony-tail holder. Twist tightly to the top of your head a small piece of hair and then clamp the end of it in your curling iron and curl the hair with the curling iron like you normally would (The twisting helps keep the curls in place for extra long and looks cute.) Do this with your whole head, for about 30 seconds each piece. Then take out the hair-ties and there you have it. If needed, put some extra hold hair spray in your hair. This should last the day. Good luck!

Hair help please!!!!!!?

I think you should just put it in a cute low pony. Its fast and easy!

Hair help please!!!!!!?

just go with the waves (scrunch in some mousse) and curl some of the pieces with a curing iron (only the ones that are frizzy)

Hair help please!!!!!!?

Mine's like that too, but mine has a reddist tint. During the summer, the easiest thing I've found is to wash it and towel dry, then add lots of mouse. I like Suave. Its fairly cheap and gets the affect. Then just let it air dry. It enhances the curl, its fast a easy, and it's not hot like tring to blow dry or straighten it. Also, for something dressy, you can start with the same idea then take half of it and do one twist and clip it. Good luck,

Hair help please!!!!!!?

Here is a good style. Spray your hair with a spray bottle until it is close to soaked. Then put it into a high-ponytail. Get some booby pins and a jaw clip. If you do not have a jaw clip they range from anywhere between 3 to 10 dollars at Waldbaums or King Kullen. Twist your hair a slight bit. Hold the ponytail to your head. To keep the hold secured, use the jaw clip. If any pieces fall out of the jaw clip, bobby pin the pieces on your head. i do this all of the time. I hope this helps!

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