Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How can i make my hair grow>?

ok, so today i put a relaxer in my hair, washed it, conditioned it, clipped all my ends, and put a partial weave in it using braids. What are some ways to help my hair grow?

How can i make my hair grow%26gt;?

Time. There is no magic solution that makes your hair grow faster. A big part is your nutrition, amongst tons of other factors . Some think that Zinc stimulates hair growth by enhancing immune function. Exercise and water intake also play a part. Below I have included a couple links out of hundreds regarding vitamin intake and hair growth. Check them out! Good luck.

How can i make my hair grow%26gt;?

if its in extension weave braids,

believe me,

it will grow when you take them out in about a month.

How can i make my hair grow%26gt;?

use some hair removeable lol

How can i make my hair grow%26gt;?

Use Garnier Fructis Length%26amp;Strength Shampoo and conditioner, it strengthens your hair, which is the key to long hair. Good luck i have been using it for a week and i already see great results!!!! Hope i helped! :D

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