Monday, April 16, 2012

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun,

my hair is a mixture of black and brown and at the bottom is very light red. my bangs are the same length as my chin like bangs these days everyone says i have beautiful long hair but when i sit down it's in my way i need new and maybe a lot of hairstyles

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

Ok, cut it until it is your belly-button length. Then straighten it. Highlight it light brown (if your hair is mostly black) or lowlight it black (if your hair is mostly brown) keep the light red on the bottom. Then keep your bangs the way they are. Then fray your hair back a little. Hope that helps!

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

Tiffany dont cut it! Report It

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

You should get it cut. Maybe shoulder lenghth.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

cut it about a foot.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

you should cut your hair, you wouldn't have to worry about this and i bet you would look a lot better, and feel better, too. hair that long is just unnecessary unless you are going for some kind of record... which i bet you aren't.

You should get a foot or so off, and donate your beautiful hair to 'locks of love.' you could solve your problem and someone else's problem at the same time.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

Don't be crazy, long hair is the greatest. Don't cut it. When you sit down or something, just move your hair to the front and keep it lose. You should show off your hair.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

you should get you hair cut to the middle of your back and get the bangs cut as well

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

get it layered. its pretty that way. :) heres some examples of hot new hairstyles for 2007!

good luck on finding the perfect style!

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

ewwww please cut your hair thats nasty! no offense

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

My daughter (adult) just had her hair cut after about 25 years. It was down to the middle of her back.

She heard about a program where hair is donated to children with cancer to make human hair wigs from them, and that is what finally convinced her to do that.

She was very upset at the time of the cut, but is gradually getting used to it. She's had lots of good feedback - the new cut makes her look much younger. It's now shoulder length.

She used to wear hers as you say. - mostly wound into a knot with different coloured 'scrunchies' to hold it in place.

Her hair is very thick and also coarse. So there was a LOT of it.

I'm not sure whether or not she's glad she cut it. As above though, she's received so many compliments though.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

Welcome to the club! As much as people admire my long hair, its kind of boring. I had it cut to a more managable length (shoulder blade length) and had it straightened. Much easier to take care and looks nicer than the old ponytail and bun!

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

I used to have hair very long as well and I know that although its kind of an adventure to cut it and do something new, you will really miss it if you cut off to much. I'm having the opposite problem right now were I cut too much of my hair off and now i can't do what i need to do with it for certain occasions. If you really feel that it is getting in the way try trimming it to a few inches above where your pants sit on your hips. In other words somewhere in the region of your lower back. Maybe add a few layers as well. That way you won't be sitting on it and you will have the opportunity to see whether you wanted much shorter or if you still want to keep most of the length. My best advice to you is don't do anything to drastic. Think before you make any big decisions.

Best of luck to you- Naomi

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

You can do a lot with long hair, I used to have really long hair. Check this website out for styles you can put it in or you could always cut it:

it says they are for prom and brides but some of them can be cute for just every day.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

Try french braids (one or two)... not only do they keep your hair out of your face, the twisting actually shortens the overall braid.

Try two buns down low at the back of your neck.

Add fun accessories to a bun (flowers, clips, pins, chopsticks barrettes, etc.)

Try a messy bun.

Try a claw clip (you'll need the ones labeled for THICK HAIR b/c yours is so long.)

Try a braided bun.

Try two french braids looped up.

Try a fishtail braid.

If your long bangs get in the way, pin them back with bobby pins or a barrette.

Dont cut your hair! You're so lucky to have such amazing hair, but letting it look like a mess (down, stringy, and unfixed) is always worse on long hair than short hair, so take good care of it!

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

cut it maybe shoulders length or maybe even to the middle of the back.. you can do much more with less hair and guys like it not too short or too long.

I have very long hair[below my butt,im 5'4'']and the only hairstyles i have is a bun, ponytail and braid help

If everyone says you have beautiful hair, it is probably because you have. In which case it would be a real shame to cut it, because very long hair is both rare and special. Also, don't be tempted by the calls to "donate it to Locks of Love". These wigs for kids charities usually sell the hair and use it to buy cheaper wigs for the children. A worthwhile cause perhaps - but not worth losing your hair over. For support, help with hair care and hairstyle ideas - try

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