Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a textur

I'm currently wearing braid extensions and would like to make my hair more manageable because I sometimes hot comb my hair %26amp; with warmer weather coming, that'll become a hassle. I'm a little afraid to go back to relaxing (haven't relaxed hair in about 7 yrs). I've heard about texturizers but don't exactly know the difference.

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a texturizer?

Texturizers are essentially a relaxer but it only relaxes the curls somewhat. You will still have curls they will just not be as tight. Also it is usually easier to get straight with just blow drying and a touch of the flat iron. You are still processing your hair, just not as much. You can also just wear your hair naturally pulled back with a nice puff. Braids can sometimes break hair off especailly around the edges. Look at Brandy. Or you can do double stranded twists.

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a texturizer?

A relaxer is going to make your hair straight. A texturizer is used to make short hair curly/wavy. You should NEVER put a texturizer on long hair, you'll look like you have a Jheri Curl!!!

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a texturizer?

A relaxer relaxes the curls to appear straight and is more damaging to the hair. A texturizer gives the hair a softer curl is less damaging and and is better is you use color in your hair.

They are chemically similar but not the same.

The person who said long hair looks jheri curlded doesnt know what they are talking about me and my sister have always had long hair ranging from our midbacks sometimes to our waist and wear texturizers but NEVER looked like we had jheri curls

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a texturizer?

I agree with kaliana's answer above. And wanted to say KUDOS for no relaxer! I didn't relax for two years and then did and WISH I didn't, so now I'm back to growing out my relaxer again. I wear my hair in single braids that I do myself.

But when I want to wear my hair down, I use a flat iron (clampy thing that has ceramic flat plates). I have a cheap one I got for my daughter and it works great. It's not as damaging as my hot comb, but still does the job (of course any heat is damaging) but it's not as bad.

I'm African-Amer. wearing hair naturally. What's difference between a relaxer and a texturizer?

It's the same thing.. A texturizer is a weaker version of a relaxer..

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