Monday, April 16, 2012

Hair for a play, HELP!?

I play Messua, a village woman in a musical called "Jungle Book: The Musical".

I need some good hair styles.

Im thinking of having it french braided and then pinned.

Any good hairstlyes please!

And please include instrioctions on how to do them.

Hair for a play, HELP!?

i don't know what its called its just this cute thing i used to do. take small sections of your hair about and inch then split it into two pieces twist those pieces in the same direction until they are a tight twist but stop before they start to curl up. then twirl/intertwine those pieces together in the opposite direction of what they were first spun then once they are twisted together to make another tight twist tie it off at the bottom with those tiny hair bands. do that either to all of your hair(i think that will look best) or just a select few throughout your hair. i think that that would fit the character very well.

Hair for a play, HELP!?

cheap Halloween wig

Hair for a play, HELP!?

As "Jungle Book" had an Anglocised India theme, try getting some ideas from Bollywood videos.

Hair for a play, HELP!?

You what you can do... you can go to a hair salon that does majority African-American hair. Or you can go the the local drug store or shopping store and purchase a hair magazine with African-American hairstyles and find some natural hairstyles that might fit the description of what you may want. You know different braided styles. That should give a lot of different ideas.

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