Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair Troubles...?

How do I get my hair like this without using heat, perm, salon, curlers, or braid.

Hair Troubles...?

Hmmm...the wonders of curlers!! lol

Well first, you can use herbel essences dangerously straight collection, which makes your hair straight. it really works!! and if u must, just use the straightener for about 3 minutes just to smooth out your hair and make it a little straighter!!

k second, use pantene pro-v's curl revive and spray it onto the front sections of your hair. which will create the curls in the girl's hair. or u can use the curlers! u must use them, to obtain the strength of ur hair, and so ur hair will stay that way!

use curlers like that and maybe ask someone to do it for u so it looks more presentable. put the curlers in the front sections of ur hair.

for a finished look, add a barrete or thin headband! how cute!!

then spray hairspray and put gel, mouse, or hair creme into your hair to reduce frizz, humidity, and overdrying!!

also, add some oil!!

u will lok so hott!

really, their is no way to make that style without special tools and heat and stuff!! lol!

---also u can scrunch your hair!! mix gel and mousse in ur hand then scrunch the front sections of ur hair!! create the waves with the gel and just form it. then scrunch it! if u dont know what scrunch means, look it up!! lol...or go on google!!!!

Hair Troubles...?

i dont think there is a way

Hair Troubles...?

Hi! you will always need some of that stuff, but I'm sure that you are going to look pretty... Good luck

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