Monday, April 23, 2012

How should I put up my hair for picture day next year?

I really want some good suggestions plz! Because my hair always looks terrible!one time i had a head band in my hair and my bangs were sticking up, actually this happened twice! and then one year my hair got blown into my mouth!!And once i had a braid in the back and i looked like a dude and this year i had to ugly braided pig tails not to mention i'm in the freakin' sixth grade with pig tails!!UH-OH we need the hair police!!!!!!!! :-(

any dumb or un called for remarks and i'll report you!!!

sincerely, BLONDIE

How should I put up my hair for picture day next year?

leave it down!! most people's hair always look the best when you leave down, either straight or wavy... if it gets too out of hand you could tie it half back-- that always looks good on me..

How should I put up my hair for picture day next year?

Hey,I'm in sixth grade to,my hair is blond,and sooo thick.

It alway's looks gorgeos on picture day,I'll tell you my secret,don't put a single spray of hair crap!!!Just brush it for a while,and make sure it's not out of control 5 min. before you get you're picture taken.Leave it down too,or in a high tight bun.

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