Wednesday, April 18, 2012

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

I'm an African American, with normal african american male hair (nappy) I was wondering if there is anyway I could straighten my hair, so I could spike it, gel it, and so it can get "wet" when I take a shower or get in a pool. Before anyone goes rantling off about how I should be proud of my hair, trust me I am, i've had every hairstyle done to my hair possible for an AA male, cornrows, short, afro, braids, curled it, waves. But I want to try something really diffrent, something extreme. Also, how much could this cost, and if I wanted to straighten my hair like a white males hair, would it have to be a daily routine, or could I go to sleep with it, and wake up with it the next morning even if it got dry. So please no innapropriate answers. I appriciate all of your guys taking time out to help me.

Thank you

10 pts to the best answer, and the one that actually is detalive, answers all of my questions and actually works when I try it!

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

thats why there's afro's.


RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

get a perm or hot comb

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

you can do anything you want, be your own person. If it looks good who cares.

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?


RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

there is special types of gel n stuff for that kind of hair thet makes it greasy and wet looking. you put it in after a shower i think

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

lol tryin to b a super sayain now huh?

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

Ask Doug Pinnick of King's X...

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

soak your hair in hot water,comb it repeat alot then do spikes and gel use alot of gel or itll go back to being nappy,also use conditioner to make your hair less stiff

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

Umm, I'm totally opposite but allow me to try to answer (I look like my avatar lol) because I tried everything on my hair. As far as I know you can achieve what you want if you go to a hair salon and have your hair straightened professionally. The process is chemically similar to perming (this is what people with straight hair do if they want it curly). Your hair will stay straigh until it starts to grow out.

What chemicals do to your hair is they change the structure of the protein that constitutes your hair. The hair that is above your scalp will be changed, the new hair that grows will be your own nappy hair again, but I'm sure you know that.

Your hair will be basically straight after the perm, so you won't need to uncurl it every day. But you will need to style it with gel in order to make it spikey. That will have to be done every day, or every time you take a shower or go to a pool. (It is a nice practice to rinse the gell off your hair before going to the public pool btw). Get the thickest gel that you can find. Thicker gel means stronger hold for thicker hair.

You will probably need to add extra shine to it in order to achieve wet or glassy look. There is a product called "Shine" by Loreal or similar by other brands. You spray it on top or gel to make it shinier if necessary. Good luck. Everything I said - take with a grain of salt because I don't have your hair type.

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

First you need a perm, LOL,not aa texturizer but a bonafide perm.

Then you want to use Hawaiian Silky Dry Oil Moisturizer, comb it to the front but dont over saturate or it will run down your face. You can always spry more as it starts to dry. Your hair will be extremely soft from this. Next you want to use a strong holding gel (Let Jam super should do the trick) %26amp; spike it to your specifications. You can get your hair wet like this-Just make sure that you have a small bottle of Hawaiian Silky Dry Oil Moisturizer and let your hair air dry. the Hawaiian silky Dry Oil will keep your hair from breaking off by sealing in moisture. Cover your head at night to determine if you need to redo in the am. If you redo make sure that you have a an airvent brush with soft but firm bristles. you dont want to pull your hair out by trying to brush the hair with anything but a soft brush.

Hope this helps you:-)

RE: I'm Black and want to spike my hair..?

I've never seen an African-American male with spiky hair. That's a really cool idea. You can try something called Japanese hair straightening or permanent straightening. The price varies according to the location and the price level of the salon, as well as the length and density of the hair. Very generally, prices can range anywhere from $150 to $1000 depending on the salon and the particular solutions being used. Because the time needed varies from client to client, some salons charge by the hour. If you do get this done, your hair may stay straight for up to six months. You can also buy a hair straightener/flat iron, which can range anywhere from $20 to $100 or more. However, straightening your hair with a hair straightener/flat iron will only keep your hair straight until you get it wet.

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